Please view these pictures as a documentary record of the time I spent with you: some of the photos are not ones I anticipate you would wish to have printed, but I include them because they give a flavour of the day, which is especially suitable for friends or relatives who were not able to be present in person.

The login is usually a certain person's surname!

Please feel free to browse - these images have been 'tidied up' but not modified to any great degree and are best viewed, initially, as a slideshow. If you would like to order prints, you may do so here and the pictures will receive detailed 'tweaking' before being printed by an award-winning lab and delivered directly to your home, wherever you may live. Do bear in mind that images ordered in a different format to what you see will need to be cropped to fit.

Images may be printed on different kinds of media - please contact me directly if you would like to discuss further possibilities.